A Collection

We changed from Summertime at 2AM on Sunday morning. ‘Spring forward and fall back’ and all that you know.  I seriously question the very value of this move. There might be a bit of a point later on, say on Dec’ 1st through to Feb 1st. But four months of Official Miserableness of a morning is just wrong. Lately I’ve really cast about for a logical reason for this move. The nearest I can come up with that holds water is the road safety one. But that leaks also, for surely people are far more aware and awake in the morning be it dark or other, than after a days work. Further, that the fixed point is at Greenwich east of London and most of Ireland is a full hour different seems to matter not a whit.

Tonight is the start of the new year for the ancient European calendar, well near enough. (There is a conjunction issue with new moon. Samhain is the new moon mid way between the equinox and the solstice.)  We see shadows of this in the way we count the seasons with winter being Nov Dec and Jan. But what we are getting as Halloween is a homogenised concoction of culture mixed and liquidized in an American pot.  But the base stock is Irish and Scottish, Welsh, Cornish and Breton, which then extends to Iberia and beyond Poland. The campo stella, field of stars, in Santiago Spain was the earlier bronze age site.  But there is weirdness where the ancient clash of culture between Roman and Celt, meet. Little girls are confused. Big girls even more so. Are witches good or bad ?. Well it depends on your outlook. If you are of a Roman orientation you will see woman as a treasure that need protecting mostly from themselves. Requiring control and management. For at the very center of Rome sat the virgins of the fire seen as integral to the safety and continuance of the City. Which was a bit of a contradiction.

The Celts on the other hand had a far more practical outlook on women. They would have seen the permanent virginity of Rome as a waste and the levels of control as pointless. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes is a phrase misunderstood nowadays for while translated well enough it misses who the guards were facing. The Celtic women were far more open within society and could and did fight beside the men, as equal. They were leaders in both battle and community. But they weren’t Queen or Royal as understood today or to Rome then.

Little Celtic girls didn’t grow up dreaming about being passive princesses. They wanted to be warriors and they sure as heck didn’t see themselves being dried out tending a fire like their Roman sisters. And anyone who disputes this need to see their descendants, either Scot or Irish who perform the dance. While they may be decked in heavy furnishing fabric  or outlandish plaid. Those girls are smiling through bone splints, shattered toes and muscles in spasm.

So a witch in the bad meaning has cultural baggage attached to war propaganda. Why it remains has the profound implications to resistance and a remembrance to another time.


These last few months I’ve readied the house for a very dark winter. I don’t know why I’m on this quest. I only know that it will be necessary. We’ve had a dark Summer. Almost no Summer to speak of really. It was dry. Well, as dry as it gets here. But in August I  painted doors that were in dark colours a click or two from white. Then the ceilings. And now I’m looking for high light bulbs, nearing daylight levels. Preferable LED’s. Generally speaking I don’t suffer from SAD. And honestly I don’t know if it’s a real condition. It may be one is craving something. Something leached out with coffee drinking. Or a vitamin. Anyhow some smidge of something.

Either way I feel this Winter will be a Doozey. One where light will be a premium. And if the blizzard in NJ, NY and Conn is anything to go by I’m on the correct track.

Happy Halloween;  Samhain maith agaibh.

This entry was posted in celtic, field of stars, halloween, little death, moon, samhain, WTF. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to A Collection

  1. R. Sherman says:

    We’re expecting a bad winter here. The older I get, the more enticing a move to the American Southwest becomes.


    • Vince says:

      I don’t think the official position, long range forecast, has us having a bad Winter. But for some reason I ‘feel’ we’re in for merry hell this winter.

  2. Ed says:

    We’ve got a little over five days to savor the evening light before we switch our time back an hour. Personally the evening light does more for my sanity than the morning light.

    I think I heard a blurb on the radio this weekend that there is a new party in town over your way due to elections. Funny how it got all of about 3 seconds worth of air time and that was only long enough to make me wonder if I did hear the name Ireland or not.

    • Vince says:

      Not a new party, but a new President-elect of the Irish Republic, Uachtarán na hÉireann. He is from my AM NUI,Galway. A trained economist and political scientist. But also a File/poet. Here that has more weight. Japan or China has the nearest connection.

  3. Crystal says:

    I can’t decide if I would rather be a warrior or a Roman virgin protected from myself… Some days I feel docile and pretty while other days I am a wild animal.

    As for you winter, I can’t imagine living in a place with so little light. I would sink into a deep depression and never come out of hiding. This why AZ is the prefect place for me. 🙂

    • Vince says:

      Yeah, the darkness has taken something of a prominent position. And I hear lots of people like the mountains of AZ.
      On the other, given you’ve four kids, some ships have sailed. You may as well embrace the warrior lioness to her cubs

  4. Kimberly says:

    For me, next week’s time change can’t come soon enough! It’s dark when I leave for work at 7 in the morning. Getting up at 5:30 is brutal no matter, but when it still seems like the middle of the night, ugh!
    It’s hard being a warrior, and well being a virgin princess…ummm no thanks. Maybe a happy medium…a warrior princess!?!?! 🙂
    Good luck with the winterizing. I hope this past weekend’s weather isn’t a sign for the months to come, but it probably is. I shouldn’t tell you this…but it was 90F yesterday and today here in sunny SoCal. It’s the beginning of fire season for us!

    • Vince says:

      We don’t even know 90F, but you are at 34N or in our money Casablanca in Morocco.
      And it would be virgin priestesses. The vestal virgins, well at least three of them including the high priestess was knocked up just before Juvenal wrote that piece. No point wasting a good scenario.

  5. Kelly says:

    I hate the change in time and the older I get the harder it is for my body to adjust. Seems like at one time they claimed it saved energy. I really don’t get that.

    I’m not a big fan of winter with its cold (and I don’t even live in the North) and shorter days.

    • Vince says:

      We don’t really get cold here. Leastwise not like in the Americas where you get blizzards. What we get is wet and the clouds that carry that wet.

  6. Rebecca S. says:

    Having just returned from Trick or Treat-ing with my daughter and her friends, I am very glad the clocks don’t turn back here until next weekend. It was rather pleasant to be out in the Halloween twilight with the new moon peeking out from a break in the clouds. Coincidentally, my daughter was dressed up as a Masked Venetian carnival go-er, and I was dressed as a witch…!

    • Vince says:

      Ah, multicultural dressing up. Rather amusing that carnival is the Spring equivalent.

  7. sage says:

    I’ve never liked Daylight Savings Time and since we don’t change for another week–kids are now going to school here in the dark (a few years ago a kid was hit by a truck and although he survived, he will never be able to thrive).

    Interesting insights into the Halloween. I chuckled at this line: “Halloween is a homogenised concoction of culture mixed and liquidized in an American pot.”

    • Vince says:

      I wonder why the change isn’t at the one moment.
      With accidents here involving kids, it tends to be the school bus or around its precincts.

  8. You mentioned I built an open house. Well yes exactly, but I never figured out that it was a significant topic for you.
    I love the light and that house lives in the light, all of the time. Winter here has short days, and can be cold, but usually are bright bright sunshine. We have high windows, mostly floor to ceiling.
    I could not imagine living away from the light.

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